Thursday, May 1, 2014

Volvo OV 4: A Volvo Convertible IN SWEDEN

Sweden's first sizable car maker was Volvo, born in 1927 and still going strong. Like most car companies, they didn't find success from the outset: their first model, the OV 4, was a flop, for reasons that seem painfully obvious from a 2014 perspective. Volvo is from Gothenburg, Sweden, where the average high in the summer is 19-20 Celsius (66-68 Fahrenheit) and winters that hover around freezing.  Not exactly a climate where a convertible would be your first choice. Only 275 were ever made, including 70 pickup versions.

Volvo followed up the OV 4 with the PV 4 in late 1928. The PV 4 was identical to the OV 4, but it had a roof. The OV 4 was discontinued in 1929. 

The PV 4 was more successful, and spawned a line of "PV" series cars that lasted until 1965 and made Volvo a household name.

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