Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The TOYOTA Cavalier - A Chevy Cavalier sold as a... Toyota

A 1998 Toyota Cavalier

Remember GEO? Odds are, if you're born before the mid 1990s, you at least have some vague knowledge of what GEO was, but let's recap for those who forgot and those under 20: In 1988, General Motors, the grand behemoth of car manufacturing, decided to bolster their small car offerings in a world increasingly concerned about fuel efficiency. GEO license built cars from Suzuki, Isuzu and Toyota; one could buy the original version under its own brand, or the GEO version license built under joint ventures with the original companies. 

The GEO Prizm was one of these models, and was originally the Toyota Corolla. Due to trade and export restrictions and as a "payback" for the Prizm, GM built Chevy Cavaliers at their Lordstown, Ohio assembly plant and badged them as Toyotas for sale in the Japanese market. 

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