Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Zagato Elcar: Furiously Junky

In 1975, Consumer Reports compared the CitiCar and the Zagato Elcar. The CitiCar was found to have major handling problems, inadequate safety, and short battery life. At $2,946 ($12,856 in today's dollars) it was expensive.
Blue Book Value on a 2008 Honda Accord as of April 3, 2014 is $27.22 cheaper than a CitiCar (adjusted for inflation), and a whopping $2,335.76 cheaper than the Elcar.

Believe it or not, there was a worse option than the CitiCar. The Zagato Elcar was Italian built, but even the CitiCar outclassed it. At $3,475 ($15,164.76 in today's dollars) it was more expensive than many real cars of its time - cars that had to meet safety standards. It was built by Zagato, a famous design studio, in Milan, Italy and imported to the US by Elcar Corporation.

The Elcar offered three motors - 1000 watt, 1500 watt, and 2000 watt. (For comparison, a microwave is usually 1100-1200 watts). The suspension was notoriously shoddy and collapsed during a braking test from 30 mph. That same Consumer Reports test also saw the car spend over half of the testing period (74 days) under repair.

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